
수면정신생리 (1권1호 68-75)

The Effects of Circadian Rhythm in Subjective Alertness on the Occurrence of Traffic Accidents

주관적 각성도의 일주기(日週期) 리듬이 교통사고 발생에 미치는 영향

Yu, Bum-Hee;Cho, Doo-Young;Jeong, Do-Un;

Yong-In Mental Hospital;Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine;


In order to examine the effects of circadian rhythm in subjective alertness on the occurrence of traffic accidents, the authors investigated the occurrence rate of traffic accidents adjusted to traffic volume in Seoul and the relative rate of fatal accidents versus total traffic accidents in Korea at different times of day in 1991. We analyzed these data in relation with the circadian rhythm in subjective alertness. The results were as follows. Both the occurrence rate of traffic accidents adjusted to traffic volume and the relative rate of fatal accidents versus total traffic accidents were the highest at 3-4 a.m., known as the time period of the lowest subjective alertness. They were negatively correlated with subjective alertness (p<0.05, p<0.001). In conclusion, it is suggested that the circadian rhythm of subjective alertness should have a significant effect on the occurrence of traffic accidents despite many confounding factors such as driving environments.


Traffic accidents;Subjective alertness;Circadian rhythm;